今晚在麦迪逊11号餐厅(Eleven Madison Park Restaurant)吃厨师精选套餐,每人十几道菜CHEDDAR(Savory Black and White Cookie with Apple)
STURGEON(Sabayon with Chive)OYSTER(Pie and Velouté)SCALLOPS(Marinated with Bkack Truffle and Leeks)CAVIAR(Benedict with Egg,Cauliflower and Ham)FOIE GRAS(Marinated with Cabbage and Red Apple)煎鹅肝WALDDRF(Salad with Apple ,Celery,Grapes and Walnuts)LOBSTER(Poached with Butternut Squash and Chestnuts)HEN OF THE WOODS MUSHROOM(Roasted with Horseradish)VENISON(Roasted with Beets and Onion)CATO CORNER CHEESE(Fondue with Squash and Mustard)BOTRYTIS(Ice Cream with Bitter Almond and Ginger Crumble)MILK AND HONEY(Custard with Bee Pollen Ice Cream)CHOCOLATE(“Name That Milk”)
Pretzel with Sea Salt餐厅使用老式方法开红酒,也就是用火烧红钳子,夹住红酒瓶口截断,该方法源于葡萄牙。手动搅拌器(Vintage Mouli Salad Maker)处理红萝卜苹果丝等拌沙拉。
在搜索中东游记的时候看到你的帖子. 谢谢你的信息. 然后竟然发现你写了十年的博客:) 祝你生活永远愉快!